亚博电子游戏点卡博彩_0093 Roberts Cay & Nancy Skinner's Cay|位于埃克苏马礁的两座优质私东说念主岛屿
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亚博电子游戏点卡博彩_0093 Roberts Cay & Nancy Skinner's Cay|位于埃克苏马礁的两座优质私东说念主岛屿

发布日期:2024-03-31 09:58    点击次数:146

亚博电子游戏点卡博彩_0093 Roberts Cay & Nancy Skinner's Cay|位于埃克苏马礁的两座优质私东说念主岛屿


温雅「岛鸣国外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」




巴哈马的埃克苏马岛群位于齐门拿骚东南35英里(56公里)处,被分袂为三个主要区域——大埃克苏马、小埃克苏马和埃克苏马礁。大埃克苏马和小埃克苏马以其宜东说念主的环境而著名,而埃克苏马礁则勾引了追求终极私东说念主领地的超高净值东说念主士和名东说念主。本期将共享位于该地区的两座私东说念主岛屿——Roberts Cay和Nancy Skinner’s Cay。

The Exumas in the Bahamas, located 35 miles southeast of Nassau (the capital), is divided into three main regions – Great Exuma, Little Exuma, and the Exuma Cays. Great and Little Exuma are renowned for their idyllic surroundings, while the Exuma Cays attracts ultra-high-net-worth individuals and celebrities seeking the ultimate private retreat. In this edition, we will explore two private islands in this region – Roberts Cay and Nancy Skinner's Cay.

Roberts Cay坐落在埃克苏马礁链的北部,距离拿骚东南约28英里,离Ship Channel Cay以南仅半英里,荟萃Norman's Cay和Highbourne Cay。这片荒废诗般的岛屿占地12英亩,海拔约32英尺。岛上绿意盎然,领有两个原始的白色沙滩和一个受卵翼的口岸。它被清楚碧绿的海水所环绕,是在海港一侧进行浮潜和在珊瑚礁东侧深海哺养的理念念场地。


Roberts Cay is situated in the northern chain of the Exuma Cays, approximately 28 miles southeast of Nassau and just half a mile south of Ship Channel Cay. It is in proximity to Norman's Cay and Highbourne Cay. This picturesque island spans 12 acres with an elevation of approximately 32 feet. The island is adorned with lush greenery and features two pristine white sandy beaches and a sheltered harbor. Surrounded by crystal-clear turquoise waters, it is an ideal location for snorkeling in the harbor and deep-sea fishing on the east side of the coral reef.

Roberts Cay是遥远产权私东说念主岛屿,当今售价为1000万好意思金。这座岛屿不仅是度假的理念念之地,更是投资者和寻求特有生涯体验的东说念主士的极佳选拔。

Roberts Cay offers permanent ownership and is currently listed at $10 million USD. This island not only serves as an ideal vacation destination but also presents an excellent opportunity for investors and those seeking a unique lifestyle experience.

Nancy Skinner’s Cay 位于埃克苏马大陆的黄金位置,距离大埃克苏马的主要城镇乔治城西南仅7.5英里。其占地38英亩,历程配置但仍保留可耕地。北部是一个不端正的海岸线,高度在2到15英尺之间,与清楚的浅水相邻,其中包含深水通说念。南部则是一个风光如画的陡坡,通往泥沼和红树林。岛上还有一个小而引东说念主注指标洞口,供冒险者探险,其杰出高水位线12英尺。在峡谷东北端的绝壁上不错找到淡水源,新2正网客服而峡谷的西部和南部则有一条深化的河说念。

Nancy Skinner's Cay is strategically located on the Exuma mainland, just 7.5 miles southwest of the main town of George Town in Great Exuma. The 38-acre island has been developed while retaining arable land. Its northern shoreline features an irregular coastline with elevations ranging from 2 to 15 feet, bordering clear shallow waters with deep-water channels. The southern part boasts a scenic slope leading to mud flats and mangroves. For adventurous souls, the island features a small prominent cave for exploration, elevated 12 feet above the high-water mark. Freshwater sources can be found on a cliff at the northeast end of a gorge, and there is a deep water channel along the western and southern parts of the gorge.

Nancy Skinner’s Cay相同是遥远产权私东说念主岛屿,当今售价为250万好意思金。这座岛屿的地舆位置既确保了交通的便利,又保险了住户的秘密,是追求糜掷生涯和当然探险的理念念选拔。

Nancy Skinner's Cay also offers permanent ownership and is currently listed at $2.5 million USD. Its geographical positioning ensures both convenient access and privacy, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a luxurious lifestyle and natural adventures.



Whether pursuing a vacation retreat or a long-term investment, these islands cater to visionary investors and individuals seeking a distinctive experience. If you are interested in the aforementioned private islands in the Exuma Cays of the Bahamas, feel free to send your inquiry. We are committed to providing you with detailed information and professional services.



Thanks for your time. Until next time!






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Global Domain 「岛鸣国外」是私东说念主岛屿生涯形式的见地者,努力于提供民众规模内真的灵验的私东说念主岛屿销售信息及配套就业。在后疫情和地缘政事冲破风险加大的新时间布景下,为高净值东说念主群对资金安全和东说念主身安全的双重需求淡薄改进性的惩办决议。



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